Work experience
12th Sep 2017 – Present Kowloon Meow Creation Creative Director
1. Design Logos, banners, and mascots.
2. Draw an illustration book.
3. Promote a Facebook page.
4. Write a business proposal for the current and future.
5. Join the start-up competitions.
6. Operating and managing an online store.
7. Product design and development.
28 Feb 2022 – 15 March 2022 立昇慈善教育基金會 - 素描導師
屯門興德學校 -小五/小六 Zoom 線上素描班導師
18 Sep 2017 – 19 Dec 2019 童行社-到校導師
19th Sep 2014 – 19th June 2015 Caritas Institute of Community Education
明愛社區書院 - 扭作氣球班導師:(註校)聖公會基恩小學
香港兼職導師協會 -註校興趣班導師: (卡通漫畫班、扭氣球班、摺紙班、串珠班、英文班)
12th April 2010 – 18th April 2014 Lion Co., Senior Graphic Designer
• Marketing & Design Service including:
1.Brand Design: Logo(C.I.)/ Corporate Stationery/ Main Label Design( Print/Woven Label
2. Represent our company and drive the innovative ideas present to our client. Research to gain
insight into our clients business, consumers and competitors. Collaborate in brainstorms with my
colleague and draft out the concept form design layout to the final artwork.
3.Define the Brand value, Positioning Strategy in Marketing, build up the characteristic of a brand
or a corporate and create Corporate Identity.
4.To assist in concept development and production of various digital & actual promotional
campaigns and engaging user interactions on web-site, socail media and traditional promotional
products{Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL)}.
23th August 2007 – 9th April 2010 Ellens Fashion (H.K.) Co. Ltd. Graphic & Website Designer
• Design Service including:
1.Brand Design: Logo(C.I.)/ Corporate Stationery/ Main Label Design( Print/Woven Label)/Uniform
2.Promotion: Advisement(ATL & BTL) / Books Design / Illustration / Product Catalogue / Brochure
3.Packaging Design: Package Box/ Shopping Bag / Gift Box/Sticker/Car Sticker/ Ribbon etc..
4.Decoration: Signboard / Outdoor Huge Advisement/ Windows Display/Car & Mall Decoration
5.Interactive: Web Design / Motion Graphics/ Short videos/ e-DM/ Online banners / Social media
Promotion/Search Advisement/QR code & Barcode Database/Product Photography/ Video Editing
6.Other Creation: Illustration Books/Animation/Fashion Products design/Hanger Design/Business
Premium Design etc.
12th October 2006 – 26th July 2007 Karsa (H.K.)Co. Ltd. Assitant Graphic Designer
1.Design the whole collection for “Tommie Cebra”,”Jusco-Inbox”and others.
2.Designing clothing’s graphic image for infants,kids and teenagers.
3.Responsible for design and maintaining company’s web-site
4.Designing company’s promotional posters and labels. Ref Web-site: http://tommiecebra.com/
2010 - present
2010 - present
2016-2017 Music Composition and Lyric Writing
2015-2017 Grade 8 0f Music Theory
2015-2016 Advance level in Music Arrangement and Chord Progression
2014-2015 Foundation level in Music Arrangement and Chord Progression
2013-2014 Piano Improvisation class
2013 -2014 Grade 5 0f Music Theory
2012 - 2013 Shatin Lutheran Evening School - HKDSE - Secondary 6 Graduated
2005 - 2006 Kwun Tong Vocational Training Centre - Advanced Diploma in Illustration and Design
2004 - 2005 Kwun Tong Vocational Training Centre - Diploma in Graphic Art & Design
1998 - 2003 Chiu Chow Association Secondary School - Graduated in Secondary School
1993 - 1998 Ma On Shan St. Joseph’s Primary School - Graduated in Primary School
Computer Skills
• Mainly using software : Adobe Creative Suite
1. For Computer Graphics: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
2. For Printing Design: Arcobat, InDesign,Bridge
3. For Web Design: Dreamweaver, Flash, Frontpage,Notepad++
4. Programming language: HTML,CSS, Javascript, Actionscript,
QR code & Barcode Database Setup
5. Video Editing: After Effect, GargesBand, Adobe Premiere
Windows Movies Maker
6. 3D - CG Animation: Autodesk Maya ,3D Max
7. Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook
8. Computer Surface: Windows, Mac, Android, Linux
2004 The Fourth Award of Fire Prevention Poster Design
2003-2004 Gold Award of Social Services Award Scheme
2002-2003 Merit Award of Volunteer Service Commendation
2013 Merit Award of Graden Sisic Lyric Writing Competition
Chinese(Cantonese, Mandarin), English, Japanese
Illustrationed in different art media
1.Traditional Drawing & Painting Media:Watercolour,Colour Pencil, Pencil, Needle pen ,Fountain pen, Oil
Pastel, Charcoal, Acrylic, Pantone Marker etc.
2. Sculpture & Special media: Light drawing , PotteryClay, Ceramics, Oil Clay, Sugar, Rubber,Color sticker,
Sand, Plaster, Copper, Printmaking ,Screen-print etc.
3.Computer Graphics: Wacom Tablet, Smartphone,Photoshop , Illustrator,Corel painter,3Dmax,Maya etc.
My Art Exhitbition Experience
2002 “The 4th Art Exhibition in CCASS”
- a Huge Dragon Sculpture(oil cray, size:3.8mX1.5m),
- Acrylic Painting, Pastel ,Pencil ,Pen, Plaster, Charcoal.
2005 Hong Kong Cultural Centre
“KTVTC Diploma Graduation Show”
2006 Hong Kong Cultural Centre
“KTVTC Advanced Diploma Graduation Show”
2012 Joint Publishing, Page One, Kubrick, YMCA
“YMCARTs in Education Project”
- Exhibit Handmade Books Samples《屎世界》&《屎語錄》